Today, I want to share a little more in depth about the single most important tool you can use on your digestive health journey.

You’ve maybe already tried a lot of tools to help you on your digestive or allergy journey.

You might think I’m going to tell you that supplements are the go-to tool. Or lab tests. Or elimination diets.

But the single most valuable tool to help you get a handle on your symptoms—and to help you understand what is going on in your body—is a Food-Symptom Diary.

(You may already have my Food-Symptom Diary, but if you don’t, you can grab it for free right here.)

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A Food-Symptom Diary is the single most important tool on your gut-healing journey.


It’s not sexy. It’s not snazzy. Especially because when you use it, I ask you to take a look at your poop!

But truly, if you can learn how to properly use a food diary, you’ll find some answers. It helps you learn:

  • what foods your body is reacting to.
  • where seemingly disconnected symptoms are actually coming from.
  • what you can do in your daily life to reduce symptoms and feel better.

I use a food diary with every single client that walks through my door.

OK, but how do you use it?

I made a video for you this week, explaining what to do with it. You really don’t want to miss it.


If you’ve been frustrated with trying to figure out how food is triggering your symptoms and you’re looking for some help, I invite you to schedule a free 30-minute Assessment Session with me. In this focused session, we’ll discuss where you’re at, and what I think would be your next best steps. If I can’t help you, I’ll be sure to give you a referral to someone who can.

If you’re ready to get started supporting your digestion on your own, download your free copy of Roadmap to Gut Recovery, where I share 7 steps you can take to heal your digestion.

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